aleyna lectures

SMAPxSMAP 14/04/08
April 17, 2008, 7:37 pm
Filed under: J-TV, SMAPxSMAP, Summary | Tags:

np. AFI – This Time Imperfect

I’m a day late from my usual schedule, reason being encoding of this insanely big file of SMAPxSMAP SPORTS-special from Monday, April the 14th.
Two bistro-segments, SMAP challenging pro-athletes in their own sports and a full 10-minute medley with the Jpop-princess Utada Hikaru.
Includes an extremely hyper Goro, who gets teased to no end 😉

Follow up.

The first bistro-guest is the young figure skater 浅田真央 [Asada Mao], who won the World Championships earlier in Göterborg this year after getting silver in 2007.
I am greatly amused by the fact that she is as tall (short) as Nakai.
They talk about skating, show some footage from the WC and discuss the traditional sports vs. love -theme.
The order is “a meat dish and chocolate dessert”.

When they go down to meet the chefs, Mao confesses that she’s a fan of SMAPxSMAP, and then the Kimutaku confronts her and Goro/Tsuyoshi-team totally mess up in the background.
In the tasting Mao is very cute and SMAP kind and sweet. They took Kimutaku’s meat dish away so as to have the dessert served, but when Mao said that she’d loved to eat some more of it, of course the man went and brought it back to the table 😀

The Kimutaku/Goro-bickering is so hilarious already during the first guest, and Goro is just so.. energetic today.

And Shingo.. Oh, Shingo.

They bring out a simulator that mimics the speed a figure skater spins around in the jumps. Goro looks plain devastated, Kimutaku.. as you see. And Shingo declares this as “Baka variety”, which is kind of.. a golden statement.
When Nakai approaches Goro, notice Kimutaku dying of laughter. Also, it’s the national “Torture Goro -day”.
I can’t explain this, it’s beayond hilarious (also, if someone didn’t know, Goro is a total cam..thing ^^).
So, you get a clip of this, I won’t go spoiling it. Scroll down for it!

Then our brave SMAP-heros Nakai, Goro and Shingo challenge the professional table tennis player
福原愛 [Fukuhara Ai, commonly known as “Ai-chan”] with a little coaching.
Of course, they are so bad even with the “special” board, and try to distract Ai-chan with comedy.

Kimutaku/Tsuyoshi represent SMAP in a handball-challenge. Their opponents are Miyazaki’s governer 東国原英夫 [Higashikokubaru Hideo] and 宮崎大輔 [Miyazaki Daisuke], who is one of the key players in the Japanese national handball-team.
Miyazaki is super-handsome and whenever he attends formal parties in suit, people swoon 😉

The 2nd bistro-guest is the 96 years old “super doctor” 日野原重明 [Hinohara Shigeaki]. He is a legend and has a mass of different honorary titles.
Order: Steak, gratine, salda and soup.

The man’s really amazing. And he just.. SMAP gets so owned 😉 Old Japanese people are treasures in general!
Plus his reaction to Shingo’s impersonation (“might be a little bit low-pitch.”) is priceless.
Nakai also gets a personal examination.

The musical guest is the jpop-princess 宇多田ヒカル [Utada Hikaru]. The talk before the medley is extremely funny, all of SMAP and Hikki crack up. I can upload that short clip too, just ask.

The medley includes the following:
青いイナズマ [Aoi Inazuma, SMAP 1996], Flavor of Life [宇多田ヒカル 2007], ぼくはくま [Boku wa Kuma, 宇多田ヒカル 2006], Can You Keep a Secret [宇多田ヒカル 2001], traveling [宇多田ヒカル 2001], SHAKE [SMAP 1996] and Hikki’s new single Prisoner of Love [tbr 21/05/08, theme for the jdrama Last Friends].
Beware of Nakais.. err.. “French” and SMAP’s dorky dancing 😉

– [MU] Short bistro-clip (spinning machine aka. let’s torture Goro!)
– [MU] SMAP & 宇多田ヒカル – Medley
As usual, if you post them onwards/to streaming, link me back.
Thank you.

3 Comments so far
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Lovely stuff. I just loved all of this episode and to see it again here is the cream of the crop. thanks a million.


Comment by Peggy

Welcome, I’m glad you like.

This week’s episode is killing me because I promised to clip all the musical collaborations..
So that might take a while longer than usual ^^

Comment by aleyna333

thank you so much for all this job¡¡¡

Comment by SAMANTHAB

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