aleyna lectures

SMAPxSMAP 10/12/07
December 13, 2007, 11:02 pm
Filed under: J-TV, SMAPxSMAP, Summary | Tags: , , ,

np. 東方神起 – Evergreen
Ugh for the song. It starts amazingly well with the cello, piano and JJ’s breathy korean-ballad-voice, but crashes down to genericity with the chorus. Aish.

Making this report took a while, because I missed the broadcast and had to download the episode (thank you to massaru from d-addicts for the upload).
And I really hate capping + clipping downloaded ones. Pfft.
You’ll find the three (2x performance + P-chan-skit :D) requested download-links at the bottom of this post.

The bistro-guests are 林真理子 [Hayashi Mariko] and 江原啓之 [Ebara Hiroyuki], both having long careers behind them. They are very sweet in the segment, although when they go down to meet the chefs, Hayashi-san gives our guys ‘roles’.
Everyone else is like.. “ok”.. except Nakai, who isn’t satisfied at all with the one he got 😀 Poor Nakai (literally ^^).
*cracks up for Tsuyoshi being casted as a ‘stalker’*
They also act their roles out.
Goro’s “君を奏でたいな” is kinda.. ‘aww’.
Kimutaku makes women basically faint just with his presence.. *shakes head*
He’s on charm-mode (and Nakai pokes him after the short performance ^^)

Oh Tsuyoshi.. “あさりちゃん” and all response he gets is like.. *cold stare*

Shingo does “さかなくん” 😀 I like the character.

Kimutaku is <3. Pure knockdown. And Tsuyoshi gets bitter because he’s completely owned here ^^

…falls down his chair laughing.

Then we get a live of ‘弾丸 Fighter’. Release next week, December the 19th!
Tsuyoshi has some scarf-issues here and Goro’s pitch wavers a little. Not bad one though. And the dance is very much lovely indeed.
(Download-link for this at the bottom. The file is small, my compression-program works flawlessly again!)

The return of KamiKamiChannel ensues.
This can’t be capped, nor explained. Watch it ^^

I can’t believe they’ve got P-ちゃん here.
Hence the reason this report has this many caps. *eyepalm*
In the skit the “assistants” are おすぎとピーコ [Osugi & Piiko].
The last time they had this was.. last February, right? And before that in.. October? Or something. It’s so.. amazing. I mean.. it’s not every day you see Kimutaku in.. basically a pink, fluffy bunny-poodle-crossbread-costume. Getting molested.
Or straddling Shingo.
If you want a clip and no one else can do it, poke me ^^ (gently).
clip made and uploaded, check the bottom of this post for it 🙂

They also do the MIXJUICE. Hilarious.
I suppose the rules are easy to get while watching so I won’t explain this further.
He just loves torturing Goro, doesn’t he?
And I definetely loves his revenge-glare on Shingo AND the intense stare he gives the poor girl 😀

The musical guest is the pretty much legendary 忌野清志郎 [Imawano Kiyoshirou], who is apparently going to have a Budokan-concert in February. Must be quite a show!
Anyway, they sing 毎日が Brand New Day and 雨上がりの夜空に. The last one with Kimutaku on guitar ❤
Nakai’s definetely got the feeling and has opened his shirt pretty low and has a sparkle-sparkle-necklace too. Shingo looks like a rockstar 😮
Conclusion: SMAP should do some rock-songs.
And Tsuyoshi just.. glomps Imawano-san 😀

– [MU] SMAP – 弾丸 Fighter.avi
– [MU] added! P-ちゃん -skit (aka Kimura in Pink ^^)
– [MU] SMAP X 忌野清志郎 – 毎日が Brand New Day & 雨上がりの夜空に.avi

(And just because I can: Kimutaku’s smirk is killing me.)

December 5, 2007, 1:06 pm
Filed under: J-TV, SMAPxSMAP, Summary | Tags: , , ,

np. Il Divo – Notte di Luce (Nights In White Satin)

Apologies for the wait, reasons vary from a national holiday to only a few hours’ sleep due to a two-nights-out.
Download-links to the performance, the PV and the PV-rip at the bottom of this post.
Streaming-link for an amazing skit in this post.

They showed the PV for 弾丸 Fighter [Dangan Fighter] in the beginning of the show. It is very cool and the guys look good too.
I seriously thought about skipping the whole bistro today because I can’t stand that.. person (?) for the slightest. Paris Hilton that is. I forgot to watermark the clips (again..), but won’t go through all the trouble to compress them again so I’ll just trust that no one will steal them and post the links around without credits.

I almost gave up watching and capping the bistro-part several times.
“I love my fans” …*snort*
And then she prefers “A guy who is honest, loyal, sweet, fun..”
“..looks don’t last forever” “I’m actually a very good chef too”grr.

Oh Shingo and your attempts to give a sexy pose ;p Plus Goro air-boxing 🙂

Shingo‘s and Goro‘s desert was totally cool. It just kind of.. blew up 😀 Kimutaku lost it too. Funny.

Tsuyoshi re-does his mattdamon-like icecream-mixing. And his random petnames come up again ;D

It’s just.. Oh Shingo

..Kimutaku seems SO so pleased with himself..

aleynacap Just the ‘twotops’.
And then when Paris gives the guys not only kisses but also Kimutaku her treasured design-bad and Tsuyoshi her necklace, she tells the still cross-dressed Shingo to give his bag to his favourite. He promptly approches Nakai, just to get smacked by both Kimutaku and Nakai 😀

Then they do a Galileo-skit (…last week’s was kinda related too and now comes the climax), titled “Goroleo“. This is so hilarious, absolutely amazing!
Just two quick caps, watch the clip. It’s too great if you’ve watched Galileo 😀
Why the heck didn’t people cast Goro instead of Fukuyama and Shingo for Shibasaki. I’m sick of Shibasaki’s one-expression-only-acting, but this time, when Shingo does it, I just.. crack up. Totally.
Streaming-link for the skit:

The comes “The Age Card“. Will be guys get the delicious meat or not?

The musical guest is EXILE. The talk is pretty amusing (see Kimutaku totally smacking Goro and talking enthusiastically about CCT’s choreography ^^).
Oh and when they announced the name for the project..
I have to confess that I’ve had nightmares about ‘SMEXILE’ (*grin*) for the past weekend, so I guess that ‘SMAXILE LOVE’ is a way better alternative 😉
The songs in the medley are Choo Choo Train, WON’T BE LONG, Lovers Again and I Believe.
Uh… I can’t stand CCT and it’s idiotic lyrics and WBL was just “eww” when it came out because there was 倖田來未. This version of WBL is.. crack? 😀
The two singles from this year are ok though.
Nakai sings well and Kimutaku is an overall flirt.. ^^

Download-links to the clips from the show:
SMAPxEXILE – medley.avi
SMAP – 弾丸 Fighter [PV].avi
And the requested PV-rip:
SMAP – 弾丸 Fighter (PV-rip)