aleyna lectures

December 20, 2007, 4:12 am
Filed under: J-Music, Music news | Tags: , , , ,

np. Tackey & Tsubasa – 12月の花

Quite a few news, all ruffled into one post. Bear with me.

#1 case: Present for Christmas
If you missed the one for all my blog-readers, head straight over here!

#2 case: Oricon Charts.
Three major releases for me this week. It would be four, if 東方神起’s newest wasn’t this retarded.
Anyway, of course SMAP dominates the single-chart with ‘弾丸 Fighter’. The single having a lovely B-side ‘Christmas Night’ with the slightly rushed A-side.. I expect this to sell well. Who wouldn’t want a SMAP-single for Christmas? Exactly.
By far not the best A-side for a long time, but the B-side makes up for quite a lot. Really hope they’ll perform this more in the year-end-shows. Cross your fingers.

Then we have my other all-time (well, he would be if he woke up and started making music again ^^) love, Gackt. His new album ‘0079-0088’ concists of the his own songs that have been used in the ‘Mobile Suit Gundam‘-series and it also has three cover-tracks for the old theme-songs. 哀 戦士 [Ai Senshi] and めぐりあい [Meguriai] don’t sound bad. The third song is an instrumental piece, based on ‘砂の十字架’.

The third one is of course one of my favourite Japanese duos, コブクロ. They’re coming out with a beautiful album that includes for example their big-hit-single of 2007, 蕾 [Tsubomi]. Their album is btw titled ‘5296’. I love Japanese number-codes 😀
Kind of.. funny, that their 27.09.2006 -released album ‘ALL SINGLES BEST’ (that has sold almost 2,6 million copies to-date btw) is still #14 in the last week’s album-chart 😀


01 SMAP: 弾丸 Fighter – 18494 (x1.75) = 32,365 [Dangan Fighter]
02 東方神起: Together – 12874 (x1.75) = 22,530 [Tohoshinki]

01 BUMP OF CHICKEN: Orbital Period – 77783 (x1.7) = 132,231
02 コブクロ: 5296 – 58078 (x1.7) = 98,733 [Kobukuro]
03 EXILE: EXILE LOVE – 22837 + 22091 (x1.7) = 76,378 (last week -release)

#3 case: Autumn’s drama-season over. Winter-dramas coming up!
I will be nice and make a post about the upcoming (renzoku) dramas of the next season here before the 2008 begins.
I might also give a comment about the now-ended dramas, since mostly this season was a complete disappointment quality-vise.

#4 case: 秋山純 [Akiyama Jun] “did the Jimmys” and most likely vanished from JE.
What’s this all about MA being now a trio? Read the following posts to catch up:
Why was Akiyama suspended in the first place? (old, read the comments too)
Where did that lead to?
The latest proof: I uploaded a clip from the latest SCP from last Sunday for you.
>> [MU] SCP071216 MA: Dancing with Japan
(To make it clear, they talk about ‘MA’ as it is now, so my hope for “Akki’s” suspension being temporary is basically gone)

SMAPxSMAP 17/12/07
December 19, 2007, 7:06 pm
Filed under: J-TV, SMAPxSMAP, Summary | Tags: , , ,

np. SMAP – Christmas Night
This song is the highlight of my Christmas. Magnificent work. And the piano-intro melts people. (Plus that the main-composer is a Swede, so 😉 )

Note: Making this summary was so hard, even if I began writing this just a few minutes after it aired.
The whole 45-minute-show is totally, totally worth watching and this summary won’t do it any right. So if you have a chance, head over to your clubbox/torrentmonster/whatever and download it.
Three DL-clips and one streaming included. I could have “clipped” the whole show just because, but I managed to restrain myself. Somewhat.
Download-links at the bottom of this post. As usual.

The bistro-guests are Neptune [ネプチューン in kana]. For those who are left behind, they’re a comedy-trio, very hilarious. For more info on the group, go here.

They drag Nakai and Taka-san into the picture too, and I can’t think about saying anything more of the talk-part that you should watch it. I can’t put a finger on a SxS-show when I would have grinned for the whole bistro-time.
Sure the guests are usually interesting and good performers, but I don’t remember even comedians being this.. carefree and totally succeeding in their gags like here.
..what did we learn? Men shouldn’t be given telephones. Or cars, therefore 😀
Nakai is, too, unable to stifle his laughter.

When they move downstairs to meet the chefs, it is total.. crack.
It can’t really be explained, so I made you a clip of it. Scroll down to the bottom of this post for the download-link; it’s the first one of the three there.
They do ‘monomane’ (aka. impersonations) with Kimutaku and Goro. The rest just.. crack up. Totally. Absolutely hilarious and brain-breaking ^^
(..the ‘chewing-gum’ was so bad :p But it just is.. SMAP)

Shingo does it again. If you don’t know Neptune, you probably had no idea what the point in the gag was.
It’s a permanent and traditional gag on the picked member, 名倉 潤 [Nagura Jun], because of his skin colour 😉
And finally. People, it’s Strawberry on the Shortcake (and YES, the pun is SO intended. If you have no idea what it is, do you have the courage to confess that to ME? *lift eyebrows*).
They advertise for the ‘Neptai-League’, which airs on the Christmas Eve at 7PM. If you happen to be by the TV, tune it on and I can promise you won’t get bored!

Goroleo strikes again. The drama btw ended 17.12, a day after SxS was broadcasted.
Seriously, I still would have preferred Goro to Fukuyama and definetely Shingo to Shibasaki.
This is as much fun (if not even more, because they make it totally totally over this time :P) as the first part.
Can’t be capped further ^^
Streaming-link for the skit here!

Then we get ‘成り上がり芸人 ドス恋パイナポー’ . That means a lot comedians and laughter. I usually enjoy the last part for the most, but this time the whole skit was funny. Would you like to give that cake a try?
No one of the actors can keep a straight face in here, so that should tell you something ^^
Shingo & Tsuyoshi.. ❤

Intro-CCB. They have Kimutaku as a participant here!
My goodness, this was amazing! Not only, because
– Goro was (unusually) good
– Can someone smack YOU-san? Gackt doesn’t even have anything NEAR that 😀 (it’s the drama.. *shakes head*)
I knew the song early! (which is like.. whoa! I was gaping, totally!)
– I want to hug Kimutaku for his.. cuteness overload. Plus he gets “put down” *cracks up*
– Both Kimutaku (especially he!) and Goro FANBOY. Like really FANBOY. And aleyna like.. fangirls. Amazing guest!

And yes, Kimutaku’s expression-of-the-day was “baffled” 😀

Okay, time to end SxS this time. And of course they’ll do it with their new, 19/12 single, ‘Fighter’.
The talk in the beginning is funny, and I, being a nice person, cut it out for you as the third clip this time. The DL-link at the bottom of this post.
What do the guys think about doing the “partial bodyrolls” and who/what does Tsuyoshi think is scary?
Don’t miss Kimutaku’s total flirting at the very end of the talk-part 😀

The performance is.. guaranteed SMAP. I clipped it for you, check down ^^

It’s times like these when I completely understand how, why and how much I totally adore this group.

Happy SMAPping! I hope you didn’t miss my Christmas Present 🙂

– [MU] SMAP & Neptune (crack-comedy-clip)
– [MU] SMAP-talk (about the single & choreography)
– [MU] SMAP – 弾丸 Fighter (performance)

SMAPxSMAP 10/12/07
December 13, 2007, 11:02 pm
Filed under: J-TV, SMAPxSMAP, Summary | Tags: , , ,

np. 東方神起 – Evergreen
Ugh for the song. It starts amazingly well with the cello, piano and JJ’s breathy korean-ballad-voice, but crashes down to genericity with the chorus. Aish.

Making this report took a while, because I missed the broadcast and had to download the episode (thank you to massaru from d-addicts for the upload).
And I really hate capping + clipping downloaded ones. Pfft.
You’ll find the three (2x performance + P-chan-skit :D) requested download-links at the bottom of this post.

The bistro-guests are 林真理子 [Hayashi Mariko] and 江原啓之 [Ebara Hiroyuki], both having long careers behind them. They are very sweet in the segment, although when they go down to meet the chefs, Hayashi-san gives our guys ‘roles’.
Everyone else is like.. “ok”.. except Nakai, who isn’t satisfied at all with the one he got 😀 Poor Nakai (literally ^^).
*cracks up for Tsuyoshi being casted as a ‘stalker’*
They also act their roles out.
Goro’s “君を奏でたいな” is kinda.. ‘aww’.
Kimutaku makes women basically faint just with his presence.. *shakes head*
He’s on charm-mode (and Nakai pokes him after the short performance ^^)

Oh Tsuyoshi.. “あさりちゃん” and all response he gets is like.. *cold stare*

Shingo does “さかなくん” 😀 I like the character.

Kimutaku is <3. Pure knockdown. And Tsuyoshi gets bitter because he’s completely owned here ^^

…falls down his chair laughing.

Then we get a live of ‘弾丸 Fighter’. Release next week, December the 19th!
Tsuyoshi has some scarf-issues here and Goro’s pitch wavers a little. Not bad one though. And the dance is very much lovely indeed.
(Download-link for this at the bottom. The file is small, my compression-program works flawlessly again!)

The return of KamiKamiChannel ensues.
This can’t be capped, nor explained. Watch it ^^

I can’t believe they’ve got P-ちゃん here.
Hence the reason this report has this many caps. *eyepalm*
In the skit the “assistants” are おすぎとピーコ [Osugi & Piiko].
The last time they had this was.. last February, right? And before that in.. October? Or something. It’s so.. amazing. I mean.. it’s not every day you see Kimutaku in.. basically a pink, fluffy bunny-poodle-crossbread-costume. Getting molested.
Or straddling Shingo.
If you want a clip and no one else can do it, poke me ^^ (gently).
clip made and uploaded, check the bottom of this post for it 🙂

They also do the MIXJUICE. Hilarious.
I suppose the rules are easy to get while watching so I won’t explain this further.
He just loves torturing Goro, doesn’t he?
And I definetely loves his revenge-glare on Shingo AND the intense stare he gives the poor girl 😀

The musical guest is the pretty much legendary 忌野清志郎 [Imawano Kiyoshirou], who is apparently going to have a Budokan-concert in February. Must be quite a show!
Anyway, they sing 毎日が Brand New Day and 雨上がりの夜空に. The last one with Kimutaku on guitar ❤
Nakai’s definetely got the feeling and has opened his shirt pretty low and has a sparkle-sparkle-necklace too. Shingo looks like a rockstar 😮
Conclusion: SMAP should do some rock-songs.
And Tsuyoshi just.. glomps Imawano-san 😀

– [MU] SMAP – 弾丸 Fighter.avi
– [MU] added! P-ちゃん -skit (aka Kimura in Pink ^^)
– [MU] SMAP X 忌野清志郎 – 毎日が Brand New Day & 雨上がりの夜空に.avi

(And just because I can: Kimutaku’s smirk is killing me.)

SMAP-news and DLs
December 6, 2007, 10:01 pm
Filed under: J-Music | Tags: , ,

np. Avenged Sevenfold – Unholy Confessions

An official website for the ‘弾丸 Fighter’ -single:
You can listen to short previews of the songs and see the cover for the single, in which the guys (finally!) are.
Simply stylish. And cool.

SMAP is also going to conquer your TVs (or the parts of them that they haven’t already..) this month. Including the many “year-end-specials” (for someone who doesn’t know, there are countless of those in Japan).
I’d like to point out a few upcoming appearances, though.
– 13/12: Utaban,
– 21/12: MS Super Live,
– 31/12: Kouhaku Utagassen,

SMAP @ FNS Kayousai 2007 in 05.12.2007
…can’t someone just forbid Kimutaku looking like that? *sighs*
Includes the performance of their new (tbr 19/12) single, ‘弾丸 Fighter’ and a short talk in which Nakai mostly encourages Tsuyoshi in his hosting duty and the guys advertise for the SMAP-shop (which really doesn’t seem to need more advertising, since there’ve been huge queues every day :P). Shingo doesn’t remember the details and turns to Goro for some help 😉 Kimutaku just settles for ‘looking pretty’ at the back.

SMAP: Christmas Night @ FNS:
And yes their singing isn’t quite on-key all the time, but the heart still belongs there. One of my favourite JE-christmas songs ever-to-be.
(I’ll make another clip of the live of ‘Christmas Night’, if/when I get my programs to co-operate again. They don’t like to compress things properly now. Hmpfh.)

Due to requests, I also added the PV-rip of the new single to my SMAPxSMAP 03/12 -summary, but for those who missed it there, here you go:
Download-link: SMAP – 弾丸 Fighter (PV-rip)

…I was so sure I had one SMAP-update more, but it seems that I forgot it completely.
I’ll edit this post if I suddenly come up with something.

Just to mention the sales since people keep asking.

01 桑田佳祐: Darling – 14962 + 13626 = 28588 (x1.75) = 50,029 [Kuwata Keisuke]
02 abingdon boys school: BLADE CHORD – 5273 + 4346 = 9619 (x1.75) = 16,833
03 SID: 涙の温度 – 4331 + 3047 = 7378 (x1.75) = 12,912 [Namida no Ondo]

01 B’z: ACTION – 63213 + 44203 = 107416 (x1.7) = 182,607
02 新垣結衣: そら – 11499 + 11052 = 22551 (x1.7) = 38,337 [Aragaki Yui: Sora]
03 小田和正: 自己ベスト-2 – 8140 + 9646 =11786 (x1.7) = 30,236 [Oda Kazumasa: Jiko Best 2)

You know what I think of Kuwata, so I’m not wasting my time to rant about that. Pfft.
BLADE CHORD isn’t selling that well and I’m really disappointed. It’s an extremely good rocksong.
B’z is doing very well as expected.

MS, SMAP + sales
December 1, 2007, 11:20 am
Filed under: J-Music, J-TV | Tags: , , , ,

np. SMAP – 弾丸 Fighter (live @ MS 30.11.07)

Oh the joy! SMAP was on MS and I have been doing some good things. Read on with this entry and you shall find
– DL-link to my mp3-rip of SMAP‘s new single 弾丸 Fighter from yesterday’s MS
– stream/DL -link to both SMAP‘s and TOKIO‘s talk-parts from yesterday’s MS.
– single/album-sales

Maybe I’ll go first for the Music Station. The guest list looked like this:

SMAP – 弾丸 Fighter [Dangan Fighter]
EXILE – I Believe
Crystal Kay – Shining
東京事変 – 閃光少女 [Tokyo Jihen – Senkou Shoujo]
TOKIO – 青春 ~SEISYuN~ [Seishun]
奥田民生 – 無限の風 [Okuda Tamio – Mugen no Kaze]

SMAP were looking good. Golden suit-jackets and then jeans. They were on Ministe aswell. Listen to Kimutaku‘s pronunciation of “弾丸” 😀
And Taichi posing.. yeah ^^
I won’t make caps for SMAP‘s talk-part because I’ve got a videoclip for you:

Download-link: SMAP – 弾丸 Fighter.mp3 (live @ MS 30.11.2007), aleynarip
And they like.. Danced 😮
“…現実の その先に 真実の 夢を この手に…” *whistles*

TOKIO-talk part:
As you can see, Leader’s got some.. hair-issues? 😉
Anyway, the talk is hilarious. They’re fighting over a bill (“Joshima-san!?” 😀 Like really, I don’t think anyone EVER calls him that. Everyone is always “Leader” this and that.)
The performance of ‘青春 ~SEISYuN~’ is good, I love the cello and violins at the back.

And now excuse me, but to make this total random, I just have to throw in one more clip.
Utaban 29/11: Nakai like totally owns KAT-TUN‘s 赤西仁 [Akanishi Jin]:

Oh and the promised sales. Here.

-singles- day #4 (1/12)
03 TOKIO: 青春 ~SEISYuN~ 9448 + 6526 + 2870 + 2092 = 20936 (x1.75) = 36,638 [Seishun]

01 小田和正: 自己ベスト-2 – 20429 + 24552 +13222 + 11870 = 70073 (x1.7) = 119,124 [Oda Kazumasa: Jiko Best 2]
02 Rip Slyme: FUNFAIR – 10748 + 10325 +5497 + 3981 = 39551 (x1.7) = 51,937

Laruku is back in top-3 for the albums. I have nothing against that.
But seriously, KAT-TUN #2… *grimace*

“..運命なのか それそれの Melody..”
*insert humming*