aleyna lectures

SMAPxSMAP 03/03/08
March 6, 2008, 3:18 pm
Filed under: J-TV, SMAPxSMAP, Summary | Tags:

np. Janne Da Arc – 救世主 Messiah

Here we go, SMAPxSMAP, over one hour -long special-broadcast from March the 3rd.
Caps, comments with partial translations as usual (this time there’re quite a lot, sorry because this became terribly long), and two clips (including Nakai making girls fain and Kimutaku in drag 😉 )
You are welcome to ask for the PV-clip, but I’d suggest you toget the full, HQ version from JPS.

Basically, this special is full of new skits ^^ It’s hilarious.
We begin with 薔薇のある 花屋 [Bara no aru hanaya, Flower shop with roses] 😀
I hope you’ve been following the drama, because if you have, this is hilarious. Basically, Tsuyoshi takes over Shingo’s role as Eiji and Goro (!!!) is Shizuku and Shingo.. guess 😉
They take it over to be a “flower quiz”. Someone asked me for the flower names, so.. (I am no florist, but recognize the basics ^^): 椿 [Tsubaki, Camellia], 牡丹 [Botan, Peony], ダリア [Dalia, Dahlia].
The idea is that the kids ask for certain flowers and “Eiji” has to find the right one amongst the many. If (..when..) he gets it wrong, a giant rose slaps him. A lot.

Then the bistro. Nakai with a little.. “suffered-looking wig”. We have very nice guests. From one of the best (if not the best) dramas this season, あしたの、喜多善男 [Ashita no, Kita Yoshio, Fuji Tuesdays 22:00 btw]: 小日向文世 [Kohinata Fumio] and 栗山千明 [Kuriyama Chiaki].
Kohinata-san is one of my favourite Japanese actors and Chiaki is just.. fun 😉

The actually show a little clip from the “Actor Colosseum” 😀 Gosh.
And talk about how this actually is Kohinata-san’s first “real” period-drama even if he’s been in the business for ages and is a very respected actor.
Chiaki-san is so lively and straighforward, it’s refreshing.

The cooks basically say how they respect Kohinata-san and mention when they’ve worked with him. They poke Chiaki-san about her liking to anime, manga etc. Shingo starts seriously rambling with her (their interaction is actually very cute), and Kimutaku is so out of it and grumbles with Nakai ’til he goes totally “Eeeh? Paprika!?”.
And then Shingo, Kimutaku and Chiaki get completely into manga, leaving Nakai and Kohinata-san out (and then Nakai pokes Kohinata-san and he says.. see for yourself!) 😀

They’re so lively throughout the tasting (Tsuyoshi messes up, once again), that it’s exceptional!
The Shingo-impersonates -part is linked to a popular ippatsu-gag comedian 小島 よしお [Kojima Yoshio] through the drama’s main character “Kita Yoshio” (…sonna no kankee nee~ . eww.)
If you’re wondering why Kimutaku says he’s sorry, he’s apologizing for the too spicy pasta.
The winners get kisses and.. a surprise present (that I wouldn’t want to have).

Welcome the オレぱち先生 [Orepachi-sensei] -skit.
YES! It’s nakai in an all-girls school, in a red velvet-suit, golden tie and lipstick 😀
And he makes girls faint with his.. er.. pick-up lines (it’s got machine-gun sound effects..)
and my fangirling-moment (allow me, this once!): Nakai, do the dokimeki next time &heart;
You get a clip. Scroll down.

ゴロはるみ [Goro Harumi] enters. I think you figured out what this was all about.
I flailed, really bad. It’s because I really think that the comedian who does the original.. she’s a big joke. And this was just.. hilarious 😉

“smaussy”, in which Kimutaku makes a better woman than.. many women I know in real life. Curly hair, fur-hat, pink tights and black miniskirt. Err.
柳原 可奈子 [Yanagihara Kanako] makes an appearance also. Anyways, Kimutaku is “Shinobu”, and does he fit the role.. Scroll down for the clip.

“Highteen Boogiewoogie”, which hasn’t changed a bit.

“Intro CCB”, with Kimutaku as a “contestant” again.
Ooh, it was PERSONZ with their 1989-hit ‘Dear Friends’.

And the last part. There’s a very sweet talk, when the guys think about what they’d like to stay “そのまま” [sono mama, just like this]. Goro and Kimutaku talk about their friendship and Nakai (of course) interrupts with saying “相思相愛” [Soushi Souai],”恋じゃない?” [Koi janai], which basically means that:
“That sounds like mutual love to me.” “Isn’t that love?”
When Shingo chooses to speak especially to Nakai, he’s got this “oh my, here it goes..”-face, but actually Shingo was rather sweet and just pointed out that since Nakai always returns to the changing rooms immediately, he’s happy he’s not the only one who does that and therefore doesn’t have to feel bad about it.
And then Nakai goes again:
“It’s not really what you don’t want to change.. you just don’t like getting lonely 😀 ”
They comment on how the song is the theme for Goro’s drama (which is btw hilarious, check it if you have a chance!), Kimutaku thinks it’s hard to play guitar since it’s been a while.. Tsuyoshi.. well.. yeah 😀 “Thank you, Goro”. And mentions that MONKEY MAJIK is responsible of the song.
Shingo talks about how the theme song for his drama ‘Bara’, ずっと一緒さ… [Zutto Issho sa…] is by the famous 山下達郎 [Yamashita Tatsurou].

Sorry for the babbling, but I like it when the guys talk amongst themselves ^^
You get a streaming-link (I didn’t clip it because there seemed to be quite many copies around. I might up the “official” version later, if people want that) for the PV:
>> Watch the PV here <<

– [MU] SMAP – Sono Mama PV (you’ll find a HQ @ JPS)
– [MU] Orepachi-sensei skit
– [MU] smaussy-skit (aka Kimutaku in drag ^^)

As always, if posted forwards/to streaming, link me back! Thank you.

3 Comments so far
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Saw the Smaussy skit. LOL! Kimutaku is so convincing as a female. And I thought Shingo was good in drag, but this takes the cake.

Comment by Margarettemeister

Kimura san was always able to transform himself into a woman. His photbook from about ten(?) years ago was fabulaous. He was the perfect 1930’s glamorous Chinese courtesan. Look for it anywhere if you can. worth searching. He is ravishing and you would never know….if you didn’t know it was him.


Comment by Peggy

my mom would always frequently visit flower shops because she loves fresh flowers on our house -‘;

Comment by Knife Sets ·

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